Mar 23, 2014
Jan 21, 2014
Cerist Coaching Team
Head Coach - Kevin Hamilton
Kev is a vastly experienced triathlete and a founder member of the club. He was a regular member of the Welsh and Great Britain squads, and has competed at 3 World Championships among others. After coming back from a serious injury, Kev was crowned British Para-Triathlon Champion in 2011, and worked with the British Para-Tri squad at Loughborough for 12 months. He has since completed two Ironman races!
Triathlon Coach Level 2 - British Triathlon
Circuit Training / Indoor Cycling / Gym Instructor - REPS Level 2
Gary Thapa
Gary enjoys technical coaching, and he competes in triathlon and trail running events. He is also Junior Coordinator for the club.
Triathlon Coach Level 2 - British Triathlon
Run Leader Level 1 - UK Athletics
Swim Coach ASA Level 1 - Swim Wales
Lou Evans
Lou's enthusiasm for coaching has helped countless ladies to start running and keep running! She has completed the Cardiff Half Marathon many times.
Triathlon Coach Level 1 - British Triathlon
Run Leader Level 1 - UK Athletics
Club First Aider
Andrew Ellis
Andy just loves trail running and wants you all to love it too! His main session is the Wednesday night run, with technical town sessions during the winter and more off road in the lighter months. He completed the 50 mile Ultra Trail Wales in 2018!
Triathlon Coach Level 1 - British Triathlon
Shoned Rees
Shoned coaches the junior swim sessions most Fridays. She completed the Cerist sprint and standard distance triathlons in 2015, and hopes to compete again soon.
Triathlon Coach Level 1 - British Triathlon
Club First Aider
Lauren Watts
Lauren is our newest (and youngest!) coach. She is a keen triathlete and has signed up for the 2019 Snowdonia Marathon! Lauren is currently studying for a Level 3 Diploma in Sport.
Triathlon Coach Level 1 - British Triathlon