Categories: News
      Date: May 18, 2011
     Title: New Website Launched
Welcome to the new Cerist Triathlon Website. We hope you like it and find it easy to get around. The aim is that we will be able to use this site to let you know of up and coming events and training sessions, as well as getting your stories on here and some pictures of what you have been up to. Let us know what events you are taking part in and how you got on. The calendar is a new feature and will hopefully make you aware of the events that are happening. To get more details on the events click on the event in the calendar and it will take you through to the full details of the event and the entry forms. So why not have a look around and let us know what you are up to. Email with your pictures and details and we will get them out there. Thanks for your patience in having this new site built, now lets hope it's a great success.