Categories: News Date: May 12, 2013 Title: Cerist Race Series
Following the postponment of the Dyfi Dash earlier in the year, the Cerist Race Series now consists of 5 races:
27/01/2013 - Race 1 - Aquathlon (Completed)
26/05/2013 - Race 2 - The Dyfi Dash
14/07/2013 - Race 3 – Standard Distance Triathlon
20/10/2013 - Race 4 - Duathlon
24/11/2013 - Race 5 - Aquathlon
All five races now count towards the series standings. Please see our results section for the current standings.
You are very welcome to enter just one event, if in doubt - give it a go! Relay teams welcome too.
Please see the links above for entry forms.